We are pleased to announce that registration for our video gaming tournaments (hosted by Video Game Express) at Octoyberfest 2013 is officially open.
After an online poll to determine which games would be most popular, we have decided to run tournaments featuring Mario Kart Wii, Super Street Fighter II (SNES) and Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube).
The tournaments will start at 11 am, giving early bird and regular attendees an opportunity to shop both before and after the tournaments run. As a matter of fact, the winner of each tournament will have the opportunity for some extra shopping as we will be awarding a $50 Octoyberfest voucher (which can be spent at any exhibitor booth at the show) as top prize!
The entry fee for each tournament is $5, to be paid at the show upon registration. The tournaments will be open to participants of all ages (all must have a valid show admission for Octoyberfest), though anyone under the age of 18 must have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian.
Pre-registration can be done either online (send your first and last name along with your choice of game via email to totoyfair@gmail.com, Subject: Video Game Tournament 2013) or in person at Video Game Express (10737 Yonge St. #12, Richmond Hill). Walk-in registrations are also welcome the day of the show, but you must register no later than 10:45 in the VGX Video Gaming area. Limited spaces are available for each tournament and we will announce if any are full prior to the show.
VGX will also be hosting gaming demos throughout the day and offering their huge selection of games for systems both retro and new. Want to request a specific game for the show? Visit
Three $50 Octoyberfest 2013 prize vouchers up for grabs! |